
Ihre Partner für Schardt-Möbel

Local retailers

The imminent arrival of a new baby in the home is an exciting time. With each week the whole family especially parents-to-be and expectant grandparents prepare themselves for the new arrival.
Searching for the right furniture for your new baby is one of the most challenging parts of the preparation. Schardt will help you meeting your requirements of taste and selection of different styles and decor to fit in your home. You can view our products at local furniture retailers and baby stores all over Germany.

Whether you are looking for a single piece of furniture such as a playpen, highchair or a complete room collection you can view or buy in person. By viewing “room sets” instore you have the opportunity to see how a complete Schardt childrens room would look like in your own home.
With a variety of styles, colourschemes and decor to choose from and trained professionals on site to care and guide you with your chosen purchase selection.

By our search function you can find quickly and easily your trader on-site in Germany. Please fill in the desired city and you receive in a periphery of 50 km a range of furniture and baby retailers at which Schardt children furniture and textiles are available.

If you allow in your browser the access to your location, then you receive automatically all retailers in your area.

Shouldn´t there be a retailer close to you, you can also contact us where our staff will assist you.

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Online traders – virtually by mouse click

As well as retailers there are established online shops.
Many retailers combine their local store with a virtual sales strategy. In the online shop there are a lot of possibilities to present the products. Mothers-to-be find a big selection of available items. Shopping at home is convenient and time saving. With the help of actual newsletters and discount offers the buyer is well informed at any time.

Our customers find Schardt children rooms, children furniture and a big selection of textile outfits presented at its best. Together with our traders we are constantly working on an optimal sales and logistic strategy.

Are you curious at which shop you can order our products? Then take a glance at our online traders.

Our online traders on one view

National online traders

International online traders

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